« To draw is to meditate »
Once upon a time…
It always starts that way. One day, I also started like this.
At first in secret, behind the curtains on the walls of the house of my
parents. This way of expressing myself was not easy for my
mom, but seeing my talent, my parents supported me afterwards.
Mainly by making sure that I change the support to practice, by
providing me with paper instead of walls.
Art is a passion that I have had since my childhood. I am then
naturally left to study at the Beaux-arts so that my passion
become my job. While trying to be as complete as possible. I
became a designer and photographer.
When I take a pencil in my hand, I feel nostalgia. Corn
this nostalgia is my driving force and has brought me before you today.
The works you can see are small reflections of my memories.
Images from my past are hidden in the paintings. These drawings
recall my beginnings and these photos made me discover a new